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Night Feeding Baby

By Richmond at 2010-04-12 03:46:36
In the event you are formula feeding your baby, you would need to get into the habit of feeding every three to five hours. On the other hand, breastfeeding requires more frequent feedings in raising babies. In fact, breastfeeding can by a bit troublesome every single day and night; therefore, formula has become more popular for this reason.

Establish a bedtime routine. Maybe a bath, put on pajamas, followed by a story and a last feed. Try putting your baby into his cot awake, and let him fall asleep by himself. This will help to stop problems in the future when baby wakes up in the night. He will then be able to settle himself instead of needing poor old tired mum to help him get back to sleep.

Handle Bottles Carefully. Although some babies will drink a bottle straight from the refrigerator, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises most babies prefer milk warmed to room temperature. Warm the bottle by holding it under a running hot-water faucet or putting it in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Shake well and test milk temperature to make sure it's not too hot before feeding. Microwaves can heat unevenly. Children's mouths and throats can be severely burned by bottles heated in the microwave. Always discard leftover milk in bottle to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria.

As soon as you have your baby mice, it is important to keep them safe and warm. You can use a small pet carrier, large plastic tub or any other suitable box in which you can put them. Layer the bottom with a towel and place the mice on top. Then, use another soft material to lightly cover the mice like fleece. Place the box in a warm place, ensuring that it isn't hot; otherwise the mice will become dehydrated. A heater on the lowest setting may be all that is needed. Test the towel the mice are laying on so that it feels cosy and warm to your hand.

Human breast milk is the healthiest form of milk for babies. It also has many medical benefits for the baby such as passed on antibodies from mother to child, defending against illness as well as a lowered risk of allergies. A mother nursing her child can also help strengthen the bond of attachment and can be a very special experience for mothers. Some put forward the argument that facial muscles used in breastfeeding are different from those used in bottle fed babies and are better in developing speech. Breast milk can also expressed for any occasions where dad is minding baby or for feeding baby at night.

Noise and movement may distract your baby from sucking. If this seems to be a problem and you are at home, try excluding everyone but your partner from the room while you are nursing, at least for a few days. If you are in hospital, you can at least position yourself so that your body is between your baby and the room and your face is directly above his. If you can get him to focus on you, other things will be less distracting. Wherever you are, keep up a gentle stream of talk. Your voice will block out the other sounds.

Every new mother has it ingrained in her that breast feeding is the best source of nourishment for her child. This is Nature's gift that is abundant in nutrients, anti-bodies and nourishment. If you feel that it is inconvenient (like some mothers do), remember you are saved the hassle of sterilizing bottles, mixing formula in the middle of the night as well as it helps you get the rest your body needs and delays your menstrual cycle.

As a parent, you can help to encourage your child to enter into a consistent sleep pattern if you follow certain steps to encourage her to sleep alone. The first is to observe when and for how long she sleeps, feeds and rests. You might think you know this, but make out a chart and write it all down. This lets you do two things: you will be able to detect a pattern of how long she spends on each of the above activities, and at what times she does it. You will also be able to detect changes to the pattern as you train her to change her sleeping habits.

Read about choosing baby names. Also read about indigestion diet and bodybuilding exercises
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